mobile for iOS

Daily design inspiration on your iPhone. Browse images in ai-based feed, collect references and organize personal libraries

Use your smartphone camera
to open AppStore via QR

QR code
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the next generation application
is available on App Store

Optimized for iOS 14

Application is fully compatible with iOS 14 and uses features of the latest mobile operating system

iPhone 12 Pro friendly

Graphica supports all the latest models and delivers amazing iPhone 12 Pro experience

All-screen support

Our application supports all screen sizes, including the latest 12 Pro Max and 12 Mini

Powered by AI

Search by keywords and colors using machine learning for image recognition

Based on SwiftUI

Graphica uses the latest framework features to build a modern user interface and native experience

Photos Integration

Integration with Photos lets you upload images from the iPhone gallery in HEIF format.

gain the best inspiration
while exploring what you’re into

collaborate and share
your inspiration with others

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Browse, search
and save the best images
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Organize and curate
your private libraries
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Invite collaborators
and create shared libraries
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Maximize your public
exposure and influence

choose the best plan
that suits you

FREE plan



  • Unlimited saved posts
  • Public and private libraries
  • Public projects and profile
  • Up to 100 image uploads
  • Up to 3 collaborators
  • First level libraries
PRO plan


$7 monthly, or $70 annually

  • Featuring in graphica feed
  • Unlimited images uploads
  • Unlimited amount of libraries
  • Unlimited levels of libraries
  • Unlimited collaborators

All payment details will be available before your in-app purchases